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Creating Cases and Case Management in ServiceNow

At Armory, we aim to provide world-class support by giving our customers choices for different support options.  To optimize our customer's support experience, please read our guidelines at our Armory Support explanation page.  The following article explains the process to create and manage cases.  The information should assist with how to set up cases to allow support to assist users as quickly as possible, and provide the best experience from beginning to end about support cases. Before beginning, users will need to have an active and enabled user account.  If an account has not yet been activated, please contact the designated Service  Portal Customer Administrators for the account. In order to ensure issues are resolved effectively and efficiently, we ask that customers please do not mix requests and issue submissions, and to please open separate tickets for separate issues/changes.

Preparing for Case Submissions - Armory Diagnostics

We highly suggest enabling Armory Diagnostics if the environment allows for it.  This allows our team to gather information about the current state of the environment and allows us to skip a few steps in our initial investigation, allowing for a quicker resolution. Otherwise, we ask that any relevant logs be attached to the cases that are created.  Full pod logs often will help with our analysis.   Additionally, in an effort to ensure faster issue triage time - you may also provide a snapshot of your current Spinnaker configuration, referred to as Armory's Support Bundle, with the help of the following automated process: Capturing Spinnaker configurations with Armory's Support Bundle (w/ Automated Script).  

Submitting a Case to Armory Support

  • Head over to and click on the log in prompt in the upper right corner* In the Navigation Bar, select Cases -> Create a CaseFill in the information about the issue that is being experienced.  Please refer to the Priorities defined in our Armory Support explanation page which go into further details about prioritization

  • The account and your name should be be displayed* Version: The Spinnaker version of the affected environment. Please advise about the Armory version, or if it is OSS.* Priority: Advise Armory Support how much priority is being placed on the issue by the customer's team Workaround or Rollback Available: Advise if the issue is currently blocking your team Affected Environment:** Production, or non-production (Preprod/UAT/Dev, etc)* Feature: Advise us about the particular feature and compatibilities that Armory supports which pertains to the issue.  For reference, please visit the Armory Enterprise Compatibility Matrix* Service: Advise about the particular service that Armory supports which pertains to the issue.  For reference, please visit the Armory Enterprise Compatibility Matrix* **Customer Availability: Please provide to Armory the best available times to attempt to schedule contact Subject: Please describe the issue.  As you describe the issue, suggested topics from our KB will populate that may help resolve the issue more quickly.  We ask that customers please submit one case per issue to ensure that cases and solutions are tracked properly and that multiple people can assist with your is In the Description please also include the following information to help us resolve items as possible:

  • Issue summary, and business impact.* Log files relevant to the issue (from that particular date/time window, and environment).* Steps that have already been taken by the customer.* Steps to reproduce.* Please also attach any relevant files, pictures, or screenshots which may aid in the investigation.


Understanding the Different Case Statuses

Throughout the lifecycle of the case, the status of the case will change through several different stages.  Some cases will go back and forth between different stages, depending on the interactions with the engineer.


Checking the Status of your Case and Updating your Case

  • Log in to the portal at  * In the Navigation Bar, select Cases -> All Cases* From this screen, there are options to view open and closed cases created by the user, and access to view the overall account's open and closed cases* Click on the case that needs to be reviewedOnce in the case, there are options available to update the case
  • Contact: The main contact can be updated here to any registered user on the same account.  Note that users that have deactivated logins can also be chosen, so users should be careful when making a selection* Watch list: Allows the addition of more users to view a case.  Note that external users to the account can also be set in the watch list so that they can observe the case* Activity: Update the information about the case.  A WYSIWYG option is available when posting.  Attachments can also be added. Once ready, click **Post *to commit the information to the activity feed Once changes are completed, click on Save in the bottom right to update the case
  • Customers can also Update their Case by responding to the emails that they have received  

Self Closing a Case

  • Log in to the portal at  * In the Navigation Bar, select Cases -> All Cases* From this screen, there are options to view open and closed cases created by the user, and if the privilege is provided, access to view the overall account's open and closed cases.  * Click on the case that needs to be closed* In the bottom left corner, there is button to **Close Case.  *Click on this button to resolve and close a case without input from support Please note that cases, once closed, cannot be opened again and will be in a read only state.  To open up a case about the issue again, please open a new case and provide any update information that can assist our team with a new resolution.   

Reopening a Closed Case

Customers may find that an issue has returned, or a case was closed due to inactivity, but would like it to be re-opened.  In this case, we invite customers to re-open the closed case

  • Log in to the portal at  * In the Navigation Bar, select Cases -> All Cases* Click on My Closed Cases or My Company's Closed Cases and locate the closed case to be re-opened* Click on the case that needs to be re-opened.  At the bottom of the case, there will be a button to Open Repeat Case* A case will be immediately opened.  Please note that this case will be opened with the same exact priority and information as the original case.  It is highly advisable that customers provide new context on the newly opened case, including new information that may help the Support Engineer to re-evaluate the root cause.
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